A platform dedicated to showcasing and empowering girls across Trinidad & Tobago to the World at large!


The best way to discover Girls from Trinidad & Tobago.

Discover up and coming influencers of 2021 and beyond. Learn their story, what makes them unique and why being a TriniGirl is one of the best things in the world! Now is our time to shine! Shine with myTriniGirl.com!

Adding more dimensions to her.

It’s not just about a pretty face or body. It’s more about what makes a Girl a Trini Girl. What makes her unique, makes her stand out, defines her beauty and empowers her to keep moving forward everyday despite the odds.

Breaking down the “Walled Gardens” of Social Media

Girls of Trinidad & Tobago finally have a platform that isn’t closed off. Social Media(S.M.) platforms aren’t seen by everyone, which is what makes them a sort of “walled garden”. We’re publishing girls for the entire world to see in an appealing, attractive and professional manner.

We Promote Trini Girls, Women & Photographers

We intend for our platform to be seen by professionals who are willing to collaborate with Trini Girls for upcoming work and projects, further empowering women.
Photographers get free exposure and recognition on myTriniGirl.com’s platform.
Being a photographer we know the struggle to become recognized. That’s why we always strive to give credit where credit is due.