Saiyada Shamrule, “I am a think first, act second type of person who can have a cold exterior but soft side once you get to know me.”

Stand up for what you believe even if it means deviating from the crowd

Ethnic Background: Indian

Current Occupation?
Digital marketing manager/ content creator

Past Occupations?
Social media manager, CSR

Sports, reading, painting, spending time with my family and my dogs.

Favourite Meal?
Hong Kong chicken & steamed wantons

Favourite Quote?
Strength to overcome

Favourite Song?
Viva la vida – Coldplay

Favourite Celebs?
Emma Watson, Marcus Rashford, Rihanna

What are you really good at?
Painting & singing

Pet Peeve: Unnecessarily loud people

Most memorable moment?
The day my brother was born

Favourite Movies and T.V. Shows?
Lucifer, about time & Harry Potter

Favourite Books?
The Devil and Miss Prym

Your most embarrassing moment?
Definitely displaying my clumsiness and falling down a flight of stairs at 51.

What is your guiltiest pleasure? Sweets & coffee

What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Marine biologist

Where would you most like to be right now?

Your Dream Job?
Physiotherapist at Manchester United

What is one thing people may be surprised to find out about you?
Stage fright

What silly or funny thing makes you afraid or creeps you out?
Frogs definitely

If you were to end up in jail, what might be the reason?
Assassinating someone for a friend or family member.

How would you like to be remembered?
As a dependable person who was always there for others and made a mark in my career path.

One word that describes you: Rebel

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
Life is short and time isn’t promised so do what you love with those you love when you can.

What’s the worst and/or the best thing about being female?
Weakness stigma associated with women and the belief that we are objects solely for the pleasure of men.

Finish this sentence “Don’t let anyone….”
Tell you what you can and cannot accomplish.

What motivates you?
My family and friends and I need to be successful at the things I venture to do. The sacrifice people before me and myself have made to get me to the point I am at and the fear of failure and mediocrity.

How would you describe yourself?
An outgoing and adventurous person with a warrior spirit who doesn’t back down from every challenge. That being said not every battle should be fought so I am a think first, act second type of person who can have a cold exterior but soft side once you get to know me. Usually the clown or joker of the group.

What do you love about being a Trini (Girl)?
My culture and what it means to represent my country proudly. I am proud to be from an island rich in music, nature, history and Beauty and to wear that pride with me wherever I go.

What advice would you give a younger girl?
Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do! Your dreams are own to follow and you can do anything you set your mind to and you are stronger than you know! Stand up for what you believe even if it means deviating from the crowd.

End of Q&A

Instagram: @saiyada_s

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